• Posted by : honeybee Nov 15, 2015

    Today's Nov 15th, 2015

    My favorite group's ever had a concert again for the second time in Indonesia. And I couldn't attend it due to my uptight schedule with college and work's stuff. (sorry i'm lying, the real reason was i kinda lack of money tbh.. LMAO who's fault that their tickets were really expensive this year eoh? it almost doubled compared to their first concert. And not to mention their EO also not that trustable that made me think again to watch their concert).

    Boys came to Soetta yesterday and last night I couldn't slept at all.. lol
    I wonder what were they doing in my country..
    Ahh... really i'm jealous of those who can watch today..
    Everything seems went smoothly without an accident (except some missing stuff, but it's common in concert)
    Their stage looks beautiful too. with the lighting and all..
    And I kinda regret my decision to not watch because of their promotor.. lol (they really learn from their mistake!!!)

    Members speak Bahasa a lot too.. Sungyeol looks soooooo fine today.. Myungsoo acting cute all the time, and Hoya wore Batik.... OMG did he really wear it? I need some proof pic....
    WooGyu moment as always on The Chaser and Julia.. Too bad Sunggyu didn't styled his hair up.. T__T
    All member looks happy to see INA Inspirits too~

    INA Inspirit Jjang~


    Let's pray for another World Tour on next year~^^


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